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Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

  Who doesn't have fond memories of this film?  The world 
of Willy Wonka is so magical that when we watch this film we 
all wish we had won a golden ticket.  Willy Wonka's factory 
looked like a child's heaven.  The Chocolate room looked like 
heaven on earth for anyone with a sweet tooth.  A whole room 
where you can eat EVERYTHING!!  Can you believe it?!!
  This page is just my tribute to the movie Willy Wonka and the
Chocolate Factory.  This movie has a lot of great quotes and 
words of wisdom.  I've collected many of them for this page.  
You can send me you Willy Wonka quotes/stories/thoughts at & I'll add them on this page.

Quotes from the movie

The Tinker: Up the airy mountain, down the rushing glenn We dare not go a-hunting, For fear of little men.

Wonka: We have so much time and so little to see... wait a minute, strike that reverse it.

Wonka: If you have any problems, dial information, thank you for calling.

Mrs Teevee: I assume there's an accident indemnity clause. Wonka: Never between friends.

Wonka: 99 - 44 - 100% Pure.

Wonka: Is it my soul that calls upon my name?

Wonka: I'm sorry but all questions must be submitted in writing.

Mrs. Gloop: (frantically, after Augustus has fallen into the chocolate river) Don't just stand there do something! Wonka: (softly) Help, Police, Murder...

Wonka: The suspense is terrible...I hope it'll last

Wonka: (after Augustus has fallen into the chocolate river and Mrs. Gloop has proclaimed that Augustus will be marshmallowed.) Impossible my dear lady, that's absurd, unthinkable. Mrs. Gloop: Why ?!! Wonka: Because! that pipe doesn't go to the marshmallow room, it goes to the fudge room.

Wonka: (as they enter Wonkatania)Your'e going to love this Just love it.

Violet: (while she's picking her nose) Spitting's a dirty habit. Wonka: I know a worse one.

Wonka: Round the world and home again. That's a sailors way.

Wonka: (softly singing, then shouting) There's no earthly way of knowing. Which direction we are going. There's no knowing where we're rowing. or which way the river's flowing. Is it raining, is it snowing, is a hurricane a-blowing. BAH! not a speck of light is showing. So the danger must be growing. Are the fires of hell a-glowing. for the rowers are still rowing. And they're certainly not showing any signs that they are slowing! STOP!

Charlie & Grandpa Joe: Dairy cream, Whipped cream, Coffee cream, Vanilla cream, Hair Cream?!

Wonka: Invention my dear friends is 93% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation, and 2% butterscotch ripple. Mrs. Teevee: that's 105%!! Mr. Salt Any good? Wonka:(in a high pitch voice) Yes!

Wonka:(singing) In springtime, the only pretty ring time, birds sing, hey ding...a-ding a-ding, sweet lovers love, the spring!

Wonka: Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker.

Mike Teevee: (on the ever-lasting gobbstopper) How do you make'em? Wonka: I'm a trifle deaf in this ear. Speak a little louder next time.

Violet:By gum, It's gum! Wonka: (as he warns her not to take the gum)(softly) Stop, Don't....

Mr. Beauregarde: (after Violet has chewed the gum) Violet! You're turning violet, Violet!!

Wonka: Where's is Fancy Bread? In the heart or in the head?

Wonka:(after Veruca has said another stupid comment) We are the music makers and we are the dreamers of the dreams.

Wonka: A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.

Wonka: If the good lord had intended us to walk he wouldn't have invented rollar skates.

Wonka: (to the annoying Mike Teevee) You should open your mouth a little wider whenyou speak.

Mrs. Teevee: Why's he taking so long?! Charlie: A million pieces take a long time to put together.

Wonka:(after Charlie has given back his everlasting gobbstopper) So shines a good deed in a weary world. Wonka: (after Wonka has just given Charlie the factory) But Charlie don't forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he always wanted. Charlie: Whay happened? Wonka: He lived happily ever after.

More quotes, from friends...

"WEEEEE!! I'm a bird!"
Charile with the Fizzy Lifting Drinks

a.k.a. Chrome_100

The 25th Anniversary Cover.

Willy Wonka

Charlie Bucket & Grandpa Joe

Violet Beauregarde, the gum chewer & Veruca Salt, the brat

Augustus Gloop, poor boy should have never touched that river...tsk tsk tsk & Mike Teevee, the ultimate couch potato.


WonkaVision(tm): this is a great site dedicated to the film. it was recommended by the Los Angeles Times as Times pick.
Unofficial Willy Wonka Home Page: it has a great synopsis of the movie.
WonkaFacts!: this has interesting facts on the movie and is part of a web site that is a tribute to Roald Dahl, the author of the novel that inspired the film.
there's no name for this site: here's a link for the script for the film
GO BACK: that's self here for the mainpage